Martyn Bonner. Base Camp Television.

You probably know the story by now. Company hires freelancer. Freelancers does work for company. Freelancer presents invoice for said work. Company gets all confused when sent an invoice - oh you actually expected to be paid for your work etc etc…

The latest in a long line of dodgy dealers is one Martyn P Bonner, who describes himself as a “Media Consultant” and works through his various companies Base Camp Television or Base Camp Productions or Base Camp Consultancy.

In terms of fair dealings, Bonner has hardly scaled the heights of even base camp however, happy to stiff one freelancer who worked for him as a camera operator at Watford FC three months ago and who has been hanging on to numerous vague hopes and broken promises of payment for the many weeks since.

After assuring said freelancer that the money had been paid into his bank account (it hadn’t) and then that he was waiting for some clients to pay him first (no sign of that), Bonner then fell back on claiming that, as the invoices presented hadn’t included a payment deadline, there was no requirement to pay up until he fancied doing so. Nonsense of course.

Further requests for payment fell on deaf ears so a legal claim and debt collector notification is underway, seemingly the only way to get this individual to cough up what he owes. He will have to eventually of course but meanwhile, the usual warning applies:

Martyn Bonner. Base Camp Television: Freelancers Beware!


Give up The Ghost.


Myriad Global. Alex Stanton. James Thompson.