Give up The Ghost.

One thing pretty much on a par with not getting a job, is not being told you haven’t got a job.

Ghosting - the failure to follow up with job seekers to tell them the outcome of their application - is a pernicious feature of our freelance based industry. The uncertainty that goes along with it, and the lack of respect inherent in not being told where you stand, is one which the folks at The TV Mindset are keen to tackle. They’ve launched a new campaign “#GiveUpTheGhost” aiming to end the practice, specifically for those job seekers who have had an availability check or been interviewed for a vacant position.

At the end of the day it is often a freelancer who is seeking to recruit another freelancer for a piece of work so it makes sense that we all look after each other, especially at a difficult time for so many in the industry.

The suggestion is for freelancers to add the following statement to their job applications:

“As a freelancer, a reply is important to my wellbeing - I hope you can support the
#GiveUpTheGhost campaign and get back to me either way.”

If everyone does it, it will become commonplace and will help everyone change the culture in this area of our work. Something well worth getting behind, for those on both sides of the employment divide.


Important news, including about holiday pay.


Martyn Bonner. Base Camp Television.